Thursday, 20 June 2019

Arthur Farrier on Personal Appearance

Arthur Farrier on Personal Appearance
1.      If you think you need deodorant you should probably shower
2.      It costs nothing to look tidy
3.      Only undies and socks require no ironing
4.      Learn to sew a hem, turned up cuffs on jeans never stay in style
5.      Use a full-length mirror before you go out, you never know what you might have sat in.
6.      Dog or cat hair always makes your appearance scruffy, brush it off before venturing out.
7.      You can wear long hair if you keep it tidy.
8.      When thinking about getting a tattoo, walk through the supermarket a few times and check the tatts on pensioners. Do you really want to look like that when you’re seventy?
9.      Don’t wear sneakers with dress slacks, it makes you look cheap.
10.  If the bloke in the mirror thinks you look silly, better go and change.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Arthur Farrier Sayings

  1. Toilet paper is a single use product.
  2. If someone threw something away, it's probably broken, best to leave it alone. 
  3. Dishes don't put themselves away.
  4. What you've said cannot go back into your mouth.
  5. A clean mind never did anyone any harm.
  6. Being organised doesn't mean you're not busy.
  7. What seems urgent is often unimportant.
  8. Losing your temper is a complete waste of energy.
  9. Salt is different to sugar, make sure you know the difference.
  10. Love can make a life easy, hate is a burden that grows heavy with age.

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Millennium Girl -The Beginning

Today I'm starting a new blog, a weekly serial of short episodes following the adventures of Millennium Girl.

Emerging from a rare muscular condition, Peaches Pengilly's prototype neurological suit is zapped when her high heeled boot is jammed in the tracks and a high voltage cable breaks and sends a million volts through her.

I'll post links as soon as I can.