Old Terry gave me a bit of a shake up today, He said if you're gunna write a novel, find a hero, give them a Cause / Quest. Find an anti hero and get started. Write their character profiles because someone once told him that Character drives Plot and Plot drives Character.
With that in mind I'm hoping by Sunday, I can post a synopsis and a couple of profiles. I have to decide where to set the story and because it is a contemporary middle school adventure how dark to make the villain.
I need some help with names for a fifteen year old boy or girl and they need some kind of an impairment.
Get your thinking caps on, because I need your help.

G'day, I'm Toby, it's kinda strange really 'cause I'm not real. I'm a character in one of Terry's novels, but as he's made an aspiring writer out of me he thought I should have my own blog, so here goes. I'll put up stuff I'm learning, poems I've written and short stories too. Thanks for dropping in this is gunna be some ride. Cheers, Toby
An impairment today's kids can relate to somewhat would be Tourette's Syndrome, which may be anything from mild to severe. Kayla for a girl's name or Riley for a boy would fit the demographic.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mrs Fawdrey, it's a big help