Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Arthur Farrier on Education

Ten Lessons for Learning
  1. A closed mind is like a bank vault with out a key, nothing’s ever getting in.
  2. It’s not a teacher’s job to make you learn, it’s your responsibility to drain them of every drop of knowledge they contain.
  3. A library is your university on a shelf, but owning a book does nothing unless you read and understand its words.
  4. Sticks and stones will break your bones and words will never hurt you is an old proverb. However, words can change history and your words can too, just make sure your words are good.
  5. If you have learnt something, pass the knowledge on to someone as soon as you can, it helps you to remember it.
  6. Trying to measure stupid is like trying to count stars, don’t waste your time.
  7. The world is full of different people celebrate your own difference.
  8. Arguing with a moron will only bring you down to their level, walk away.
  9. The pen may be mightier than the sword, so it’s best you keep your pen sharp and your tongue soft.
  10. A bully is often driven by fear of the unknown, don’t be silly enough to argue with ignorant people, or discriminate against things or people you don’t understand.

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Hey, yeah, you the reader. Please don't go without leaving a note, you opinion is important to me because without it I can't learn. Seeya, Toby