Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Welcome to my Blog


This is a first for me my very own blog. Now of course you know I'm not real, just a figment of old Terry's imagination, but that doesn't mean I can't share an opinion now and then. After all I'll be posting stuff I've learnt about writing here. I 'll let you know about Pop and Charlie. Some of my friends will even get a mention and then I'll let you see a story or two. I've started writing poetry to my girlfriend so some of that might appear too.

Hey if you like what you see drop me a comment now and then. If you don't, let me know that too.

Any way thanks for dropping in,


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Hey, yeah, you the reader. Please don't go without leaving a note, you opinion is important to me because without it I can't learn. Seeya, Toby